Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lunch box lust

For the better part of four years I've said a silent prayer of thanks nearly every day that our daycare provides all lunches and snacks for the kids. So, except for those bottles of breastmilk -- pumped, bottled, frozen, thawed, packed in a cooler bag and rejected -- I've never had to pack a lunch. I've never had to try to figure out how hungry a toddler will be at noon and how to sate her. I've never had to figure out how to keep fresh food cool and safe without a fridge. I've never had to track ingredients for a third set of meals in a week.

And I thought that was great. Until now.

Look at this: tasty, adorable, self-contained!

This is a little too cutesy for me, and, really, how much time do these people have on their hands?

Can you believe people make a hobby out of this?

Can you believe I'm getting tempted myself? Thirteen months until kindergarten lunches...


Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Oh no! You too! I'm seriously considering these bento lunches for when school starts again in September. I keep kicking myself! I shall get myself a straight jacket and ask to be committed!

Tricia said...

It may take that. My husband -- my only faithful reader -- promised to confiscate any tools I might acquire for punching carrots into flowers or shaping eggs into cars.

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

My husband on the other hand thinks it's a great idea as I might then actually make him lunch too being a part of the whole bento thing. Doing it for love...